View Profile SuperSonicDude109
I'll guard you with my very life, Maizy. I love you dearly, and I don't want anything to happen to you. Also, music, video games, and anime FTW.

Age 31, Male

Maizy's protector.


Joined on 8/1/08

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SuperSonicDude109's News

Posted by SuperSonicDude109 - September 28th, 2008

My little angel hasn't been on for a long time now, and I miss her so very much. I feel like I wanna crawl up into a ball and cry my eyes out untill she returns. I know that she WILL return, but I don't know how much longer I have to wait. I'll just stay here, crying, cuddled up into a ball. I really wish you were here, my little angel....

I've been noticing something......

Posted by SuperSonicDude109 - September 20th, 2008

*we left all the others to search for Amy*
Me: So, any sight of her on your side, Sonic?
Sonic: Nope. It's totally empty here. Nothin but the Green Hill Zone itself.
Me: That's no good. We need to find her.
Shadowchao: *walks up to me* I'm gunna help.
Me: Thanks.
Shadowchao: No prob.
Shadowbanes: Can we just continue our search already?
Chaos and Kingzant: Not without us!
Me: Sweet. The more people we have, the better the chance we got at findin her.
*With Sonic's group*
Shadow: Hmmm....
Silver: What?
Shadow: I sense a disturbance.....
Silver: I'm starting to sense it too.
???: Heheheh.
Sonic: Not you again, metal!
Metal Sonic: Yep. Along with Metal Shadow and Mephiles.
Shadow: Grr....
Sonic: What are you doin here anyways?
*back with my group*
Ninjakoopa: I still don't see anything in this lab.
Shia: *gasp* I sense something.....
Me: What is it?
???:*comes up and puches me in the back*
Me: Ow! *turns around* Oh.....Redonic, it's you.
Redonic: Ding, ding. Correct.
Zails: I'm here too.
Krunkles: Ditto.
Kingzant: So, your the clones of Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles?
Shadowbanes: Well, duh...
Shadowchao: He didn't know, dude. Don't insult him.
Shadowbanes: Sooorrry.
Shia: You should be.
Shadowbanes: Oaky, then, I am sorry.
Kingzant: It's okay.
Me: Back to the clones. *sees that their gone* Crap...*Redonic kicks me in the balls and I fall to my knees in pain* OWW! God, that hurt!
Redonic: Feels good, huh? *punches my head*
Me: That's it! We battle, now!
Zails: I got these four. *looks at chaos, shadowbanes, dkfan, and Axl*
Shadowbanes: Your goin down, you stupid clone....
Chaos: *cracks his knuckles* This is gonna be good.
Dkfan: I agree. It's gonna be awesome.
Axl: Fer sure!
Zails: Your going down first, Axl.
Axl: Bah. You can't beat me.
Zails: ORLY?
Axl: YA RLY! >:D
Zails: Crap...
Krunkles: I got them. *looks at Shadowchao, shia, and GSX*
GSX: Bad choice. Your dead now.
Krunkles: ORLY?
Shia: YA RLY!
Shadowchao: Your going all the way down to hell.
Krunkles: .......crap.....
Redonic: That leaves me with SSD, Kingzant, and Ninjakoopa.
Me: Heh. You made the biggest mistake of your life, choosing to fight me.
Kingzant: Together, we will all win this fight!
Ninjakoopa: Heck yeah! :D
Kitty: I don't wanna get in the fight. I'm a little scared.....
Technolife: Me, too....
Me: Then you both need to quickly find a place to hide.
*they both find a place to hide and now we go to Sonic's group*
Mephiles: You pathetic rodents are going straight to hell! *maniacal laughter*
Shadow: STFU!!!
Mephiles: My, my. Such language, Shadow.
Sonic: Just shut up and fight already!
Knuckles: Yeah. I've been hankerin for a fight with Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic: Bring it! I'll take you, Tails, and Sonic.
Metal Shadow: I'll take Silver.
Mephiles: And that leaves me with you Shadow.
Silver: Your goin down!
Metal Shadow: We'll see about that.
Shadow:Enough! Time to fight!
*each side begins to fight.*
To be continued.........
There ya go! It took a while to make too. ^-^;;
So, I hope ya'll liked it. :D
Peace Out!

Mah 4th story! :D :D :D :D :D

Posted by SuperSonicDude109 - September 18th, 2008

Sorry, but it's not gonna be on till tomorrow. Cause it's a bit too late for me to do it tonight. ^-^;;;
Anyways, heres the other info.
This one will have fights in it.
It's also gonna have villains.
And heres the cast:
Kitty (mya)
Shia (awsomesonic)
Chaosshadow (Chaos for short)
Metal Sonic
Metal Shadow
Redonic (from DOD)
Zails (from DOD)
Krunkles (from DOD)

And I think that's it. ^-^ If I forgot any, just tell me. ^-^;;
Peace Out!
P.S. Check out the newest song I got for mah mp3! :D

/* */

Heres some info about my next story.

Posted by SuperSonicDude109 - September 14th, 2008

*we left SSD being greeted at the door at Tail's house by GSX, Axl, and dkfan.*
Me: What are you guys doin here?!?!?!?!?!?!
GSX: We heard you were goin to Tail's house.
Axl: And we brought some friends!
Me: *looks behind them and sees Shia, technolife, shadowbanes, and ninjakoopa.* Hey, yall!!
Ninjakoopa: Wassup, SSD! ^^
Shia: Hows it hangin? :D
Technolife: Hi, my warrior! ^///////^
Shadowbanes: Sup!
Me: Come on in, yall!
*everyone comes in*
Shadow: Hmm...so, you have more friends than I thought.
Me: Of course! :D
Sonic: That's because your an awesome friend!
Me: Well, thanks Sonic!
Amy: Can we get started with the party already, please? ^-^;
Me: Sure! :D *plays some dance music*
Silver: I don't really feel like dancin right now. ^-^;
Me: Okay. ^-^;
Kitty: *starts to dance*
Technolife: You wanna dance with me my warrior?
Me: Of course! ^//////^
Silver: *whisperes in my ear* Why does she call you "Warrior"?
Me: I'll tell you later.
Silver: Okay.
Knux: I'll just listen to some rock and roll on my iPod.
Tails: You always listen to rock and roll, knux. -_-
Knux: IS THAT A PROBLEM?!?!?!?
Tails: No, not at all. ^-^;;
Knux: Good! *listens to iPod*
Shadow: *sits down on couch*
Sonic: Hey, Silver! Wanna play some SSBB?
Silver: Sure! *Sonic and Silver run upstars*
Tails: WAIT FOR ME!! *flies upstairs*
Me: *takes technolifes hands and starts to dance*
Technolife: *leans her head on my chest while dancing smoothly*
Me: *blushes*
Technolife: *blushes*
Amy: *sighs and walks to kitchen*
Shadow: Huh? *gets up and walks to kitchen*
Amy: *starts to cry*
Shadow: What's wrong Amy?
Amy: Why doesn't SSD love me?!?!?!
Shadow: Well, first, he's in love with technolife. Second, Your already dating Sonic.
Amy: I know, but, I can't help but think about him every night!
Shadow: *wipes her tears* Amy.....you need to calm down. Don't be so sad, okay?
Amy: Okay. ^-^
Dkfan: *sits down in chair in another room and watches TV.*
Me: I love you, my little angel. ^////^
Technolife: I love you, too, my warrior. ^///////^
*lights go out and we hear a scream*
Me:What was that!!!
*lights come back on*
Me: *looks around* Amy's been kidnapped!!!
Everyone else: WHAT?!?!?!?
Me: We need to split up and find her! I'll go with ninjakoopa, mya, technolife, shadowbanes, Axl, and Shia to Eggman's lab. The rest of you head to the Green Hill Zone! Everyone, GO!
Everyone: Okay!
*we all split up to find Amy*
To be continued....
I hope you all liked it! The next one will be out in a few days!
Peace Out!

Here is mah 3rd story for chu. ^//////^

Posted by SuperSonicDude109 - September 14th, 2008

I'm in love with an amazing girl. Her name is technolife, but, I call her my little angel. ^///////^
If anyone tries to hurt her, I'll hurt you even more. I love you so very much, my adorable little angel. ^/////////^

If you listen to this song carefully, it'll remind you of how much I love her. ^//////////^

Peace Out!

P.S. Heres some info about my next story:
1: It's gonna be twisted a bit, considering I love my little angel, now. ^/////^
2: Heres the cast for the next story:
Technolife (My little angel)
Awsomesonic (Shia the hedgehog)
GSXPacker (Just GSX)
and that's it! ^-^

/* */

I have some wonderful news for you all!!! =^-^=

Posted by SuperSonicDude109 - September 12th, 2008

*we left Amy, Sonic, SSD, and kitty walkin to Tails's house*
Kitty: *lets go of my hand* Sorry, SSD. I just didn't want my bf to know we were doing this.
Me: It's okay, mya.
Kitty: Anyways, how did you meet Sonic, Amy, and the others?
Me: Well.......it's a long story.
Kitty: Please tell me. ^-^
Me: Okay. But before I do, all this happened before I met you, okay?
Kitty: Okay, SSD.
Me: Sonic, Amy! We need to sit down and tell her the story.
Sonic: Okay.
Amy: Okie-dok!
*we all sit down*
Me: So.... it all started when I was sittin on my bed with nuthin to do.....*flashback starts*
Me: *sigh* Sooooooo bored.........
Me: "Then, out of nowhere came this demensional rift."
Me: *sees rift that just opened* What the? *walks in*
Me: "After I walked in, I passed out. Then, I woke up to seeing Amy's face right in front of mine. And our faces were so close, I wouldve kissed her"
Me: *sees Amy's face and blushes*
Amy: *smiles and blushes* It's so cute when you blush like that!
Me: *blushes even more*
Amy: *blushes even more and kisses me*
Me: *eyes widen as she kisses me*
Amy: *closes her eyes*
Me: *closes my eyes*
Me: "It seemed as though we were kissing for what seemed like forever. Amy loved every minute of it, and so did I. Then, Sonic came along."
Sonic: Who's that your kissing, Amy?
Amy: *gets off of me immediately*
Me: "I felt so sad from havng to stop kissing her, that I would've cried. But, I didn't. Although, Amy felt very very sad from having to stop kissing me, and she cried."
Amy: I'm sorry Sonic. I couldn't help myself.......
Sonic: It's okay, Amy. Please stop crying.
Me: Yeah. Please stop crying, Amy.
Amy: *wipes her tears*
Sonic: *looks at me* Whats your name, anyways, dude?
Me: The names SuperSonicDude. But, just call me SSD.
Sonic: Heh. It's very nice to meet you, dude. And SSD is an awesome nickname!
Amy: Yeah! I love it!
Me: *blushes* Thanks.
*me and Amy stand up, in the flashback, I mean*
Sonic: So, you already know all of the Sonic cast, eh?
Me: Yup! ^-^
Sonic: Well, I was on my way to Tails's house. Wanna come?
Me: Yes!
Sonic: Come on, then!
Me: "Then we walked to Tails's house. But, on the way, Amy hugged one of my arms with both of hers. And then I became really good friends with the Sonic cast."
*flashback ends*
Me: And that's the story.
Kitty: Oh, my......
Amy: *blushes*
Me: But, then, after all that......something terrible happened.... *tears form in My eyes, Sonic's eyes, and Amy's eyes*
Kitty: What happened?
Me: Well......what happened was-
*Sonic's cell phone begins to ring*
Sonic: *picks up phone* Hello?
Tails: Sonic, It's me.
Sonic: Hey, Tails!
Tails: Where are you?
Sonic: Hangin with Amy.....and two other people.
Tails: Two others?
Sonic: You'll know once we all get there okay?
Tails: Okay. Cya, then! *hangs up*
Sonic: *puts cell phone away* Let's go, guys.
Amy: Okay.
Me: Okay, dude.
Kitty: Okie-dokie! ^-^
*we all stand up and walk to Tails's house*
*at Tails's house*
Silver: When are they gettin here!
Shadow: *slaps Silver on the face* Tails said in a few minutes, you retard!
Silver: Okay, okay!
Knux: Your just too impatient, aren't you, Silver?
Silver: Yeah. ^-^;
Knux: Heh. That's okay by me.
*door opens*
Sonic: Hey!!!!
Amy: Wassup, guys?
Tails: Nuthin. ^-^
Silver: Just having some fun, hangin around. ^-^
Shadow: I'm even havin fun, too! ^-^
Sonic: Cool!
Tails: So, Sonic, who were those two people you wanted to tell us about?
Sonic and Amy: *walks in*
Sonic: Here they are!
*every one sees me and mya*
Me: Hey, guys!!!
Kitty: Hello!!!
Shadow: *sees mya* Who's she?
Me: She's a girl I fell in love with. =^-^=
Kitty: *giggles and blushes*
Shadow: Hmmm.....
Me: What?
Shadow: Nuthin. ^-^;
Me: Okay. ^-^;
Silver: *walks to mya and shakes her hand* Nice to meet you. I'm Silver!
Kitty: I know. ^-^
Slver: Well, then, what's your name?
Kitty: The names kittygurlluvsyou, but, just call me kitty, okay?
Everyone: Okay! ^-^
Kitty: YAY!! ^-^
*door bell rings*
Me: I'll get it! *opens door and sees GSX, Axl, and dkfan*
Me: What are you guys doin here?!?!?!?
To be continued.....

Phew. There you go! Hope you all liked it. ^-^
I worked hard on it, so...no mean comments, please. ^-^;;;
Peace Out!

Heres the second story!!!!!!!! :D

Posted by SuperSonicDude109 - September 12th, 2008

Why? Because I was getting a bit bored of bein in the form of Shadow. ^-^;
Also, heres some info about my next story.
1: It's gonna have flashbacks in it, so when someone narrates it, there will be quotation marks (" ")
when they speak.
2: It's gonna have a flashback of how I met the Sonic chars.
3: Heres the list of people in the next story:
Mya (kittygurlluvsyou)
Axl2396 (just call him Axl)
and dkfan.
Hope you all will enjoy the second story! ^-^
P.S. I'm gonna post the second story sometime tonight. ^-^
Peace Out!

Posted by SuperSonicDude109 - September 8th, 2008

*one day, I'm just standing looking at a beautiful sunrise to start my day. However, after the sun rose, something ran past me so fast, I fell over*
Me: Woah! *falls on butt* Ouch.
??? *stops* I'm sorry........wait, is that you, SSD?
Me: *stands up* Huh? Whose there? *looks at the figure*
Sonic: It's been a long time, SSD.
Me: Sonic! Wassup!
Sonic: Not much. Only me and everyone else misses you.
Me: Oh. Really?
Sonic: Yep. So, what have you been up to?
Me: I've finally found a special someone to love. ^-^
Sonic: .....................IT BETTER NOT BE AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Uhh......it's not. Why do you think that? I thought you didn't like her.
Sonic: Well.....*blushes* like I said, it's been a long time.
Me: Aww...you two are going out aren't you?
Sonic: Yep!
Me: Congrats, dude.
Sonic: Thanx, bro. So, what's the name of your love?
Me: Her name is kittygurlluvsyou. But, I call her mya. ^-^
Sonic: Wow. She sounds like a really wonderful girl.
Me: She is! =^-^=
Sonic: Well, that's good. Are you two going out?
Me: No. She already has another bf.
Sonic: Well, don't worry, dude. It's probably not gonna last forever.
Me: Yeah, your right.
???: Sonic! *hugs Sonic and doesn't notice me.*
Sonic: *blushes* Hey, Amy! *hugs her back*
Amy: How are you today, Sonic?
Sonic: Good. Also, look whos back!
Amy: *looks at me* SSD?!?!?!?!?! *blushes dark red and lets go of Sonic*
Me: Yeah. *blushes* Hi, Amy.
Amy: *hugs me tight and doesn't let go* SSD!! I missed you SO much!
Me: *hugs back and doesn't let go* I missed you, too, Amy.
Amy: *smiles and wags her tail in happiness*
Me: *blushes dark red*
Amy: *blushes dark red*
Sonic: *sighs and whisperes to himself* Just like the good ol' days, eh, SSD?
Amy: *leans in to kiss me on the lips* I can't even remember the last time we kissed.....
Me: *turns away* I'm sorry Amy, but I can't. I've met someone I love a whole lot, and I don't want her to see us, kissing.
Amy: Okay SSD. But can I kiss you on the cheek, please?
Me: *kisses her on the cheek* Sure, Amy.
Amy: *giggles and kisses me on the cheek* Theres somehing I need to tell you. *whisperes* I kept it a secret all these years.
Me: What is it, Amy?
Amy: *whisperes softly in my ear* I love you, SSD. I always have.....
Me: *blushes dark red* Oh.....wow.
Amy: *lets go*
Me: *looks at Sonic*
Sonic: What? Is something wrong with my teeth? *feels his teeth*
Me: *laughs* Nah.
??? *walks up*
Me: *gasp* Mya!!
Kitty: Hey, SSD!
Amy: *whisperes in my ear* Is this the girl you love?
Me: *whisperes back* Yes.
Kitty: SSD......do you know them?!?!?!?!?!?!
Me: Yep. I know every Sonic char. there is!
Sonic: I was the first one he met, too. ^-^
Kitty: Awesome!
Sonic: So, I hear that SSD loves you.
Kitty: *blushes* Yeah.
Me: *blushes* Well, it's true.
Sonic: Heh. *stands up*
Me: So, mya, how are you? ^-^
Kitty: Good. you? ^-^
Me: Good. ^-^
Sonic: *whisperes in my ear* SSD, she's beautiful.
Me: *whisperes* I know. ^-^
Amy: So, wanna see all the others, SSD?
Me: Yes!
Sonic: *grabs amy's hand* Let's go, then!
Amy: *blushes* Okay.
Me: *takes mya's hand* Wanna come?
Kitty: Sure!
*we all walk to see the other Sonic chars.*
To be continued.......
Hope you all liked it!!!!!
2nd story will be up, soon!
Peace Out!

Okay, here is the first story for you all!

Posted by SuperSonicDude109 - September 7th, 2008

I was thinking of making stories that invlolve me, mya, my friends, and Sonic characters with us. We'd all be hanging out and having fun! ^-^

Tell me whether ya'll want me to make theses kind of stories or not.

Peace Out!

I has a question. XD

Posted by SuperSonicDude109 - September 7th, 2008

And thanx darkthehedgehog53, for changing the pic to a .gif ^-^ Everone give darkthehedgehog53 applause for makin the pics for me! *starts to applaud him*
And this is a pic of the first Sonic pic I'll be using! :D
Hope you all like it!

Peace Out!

P.S. I'll be using Sonic pics on Sept. 12.

I put that pic on my profile, now. :D