View Profile SuperSonicDude109
I'll guard you with my very life, Maizy. I love you dearly, and I don't want anything to happen to you. Also, music, video games, and anime FTW.

Age 31, Male

Maizy's protector.


Joined on 8/1/08

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Sorry I've been gone so long...

Posted by SuperSonicDude109 - January 1st, 2009

I've kinda been obssessed over my X-Box 360. ^-^;
Especially because of Soul Calibur 4, Guitar Hero 3, Rock Band 2, and Mortal Kombat VS. DC Universe.
But enough about the video games.
How's everybody been doing since I was gone? Was there anyone who missed me?
I think that's all I've got left to say.....
Oh wait! I've also been interested in more bands. (What a shock. >_>)
The bands are: ACDC, Metallica, and Avenged Sevenfold.
Other reasons that I was gone were because of putting up decorations in their boxes (which took almost 2 days.), and I've been out of my house ALOT. And also my family and I had fun on New Year's Eve. Speaking of which, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!
I really hope 2009 ends up better than 2008, cause 2008 was kinda suckish for me. Although there are good things about 08. One of the BEST things about 08 was when me and my little angel started going out together.
Well, I hope everyone has an awesome 09!
Peace Out!
P.S. Here's a pic of my favorite character from Soul Calibur 4.
EDIT: Someone please help cheer him up. :(
Also for those who don't know, I have another account. This one.
I'll be on this account whenever I'm bored of being on this one, or whenever someone hacks my account. And just for fun, I'm changing the pic. This is my Second favorite character from Soul Calibur 4.

Sorry I've been gone so long...


lol he is also my favorite character in Soul Calibur 4.

Cool. :)

At least you've returned, and frankly, that's all that matters. <3 <3 <3


Out of those four games, do you have a favorite? :)

Take care, bro! Love ya! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Awww, thanks. ^-^

Awwww... *hugs* Feel better? :3

Soul Calibur 4, baby! :D

Cya later! <3 <3 <3

cool character, and glad your back. i just wanted to thank you on the favs on my SSC series i really appreciate it

No prob dude. Your movies are awesome.

Yes, much. Thank you. :) *hugs back*

Soul Calibur IV is very fun, and I kick ass as Yoda. :D

No prob. ^-^ <3

Yes, it's very fun. And I also kick ass as Yoda. We've got alot in common, don't we? =3

i got a bit drunk on new years.

Nice. :D

i got a gf in new years.

i got more drunk... *by accident*

then i stayed up until 6:30 AM...

then i had to get up at 9:00 AM...

now im back.

and me and wyvvern were drunk and were kinda scaring goofyka in her psot before the new one she made. but... she said it was also funny X3

Lol. X)

this profile is free to the first person to tell me they want it

LUCKY you got an x-box 360

Wyvven and Tails did scare me!T.T Even though it was funny.But two post one with 181 and another with 176!The frist one was mostly Tails and Wyvvern.The other one (the funniest.>.>)174 of those coments were by them.XD But man you just have to read them I was lmao all night long!X'D

i only played soul caliber two >.O and i like gh3 the best
the new one only has old songs
metallica is awesome
you should look the band :
up its awesome :3
they did the through the fire and flames song on gh3
i like some acdc
i had fun this week and last week but all we got for newyears was a bottle of wine and a lovely power out lol
PS. i didnt like the wine....i iz very picky about it and rarely drink it

i had fun with the ice but i want it gone!
all i get to do is slide outside
no fun when you fall and get the breath knocked out of you lol
but it is fun to slide around and hit people on the streets who were doing the same :3

I already know Dragon Force. I love that band. :)
Lol. I bet you that you laughed every time you bumped into someone. X3

go and red goofykas post before her new one. me and wyvvern were drunk in it X3
its fackin funny X3

That pic is sweet as hell. Oh BTW since u been gone gsx wants you to check his post since he may not come back

hi, how's NG without me? (happy new year to you too) x-box is beast :3

Well, I can't say for sure, considering I just got back yesterday.
Happy new year to you as well.
X-Box is teh best. ;3

indeed i did lol
also i has a picture of dereks kitty on my new post :3
i took it last year :3

Hey SSD i got some bad news


Hey SSD i got some bad news

AC/DC!!!!!!!!!!! I love that band!!!!!!!!!

Same here! ^-^

I've been fine.

P.S. I made a new comic while you were gone.

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