View Profile SuperSonicDude109
I'll guard you with my very life, Maizy. I love you dearly, and I don't want anything to happen to you. Also, music, video games, and anime FTW.

Age 31, Male

Maizy's protector.


Joined on 8/1/08

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Moar news.

Posted by SuperSonicDude109 - July 29th, 2009

Today, me and Kingzant played each other on SSBB.
He and I are pretty much evenly matched, except for when we go into SUDDEN DEATH. I get my ass kicked almost every time. Then, the time came where my connection got so shitty, that I decided to quit.

In other news, I'm now interested into death metal. But, the only death metal band I listen to, so far, is Whitechapel. They're awesome. What are your opinions on them? Feel free to share.

Also, for the people that have been calling me SSD, even though I changed my name to Clash since December, STOP. From now on, if anyone calls me SSD, they will be banned for stupidity.
And don't even think of saying "SSD LOLOLOLOLOL.", because that WILL get you banned.

One last thing. Today's the day I put up my new video game theme, so no moar guessing.
My theme is Super Mario Galaxy. The first person to guess correctly was YoshiWar4. Congratulations!

That's it for nao. New SOTW.

- Clash. <---- REMEMBER THIS NAME.

SOTW: Whitechapel - Father Of Lies

/* */

Tell me all the things you want.
I shall prove myself among the wise, I have failed you.
Grant my wish, I beg of thee,
For I have done all the deeds you have asked of me.
That whimpering wretched whore that birthed your adversary,
I retrieved her head, and mutilated every last remain.
The blood of the innocent, I have spread with no fucking remorse.
How dare you interfere my monumental wake?!
Forever keep these words from my mouth.

I will become the father of lies, the father of lies. [x2]

Holiest of holy, I ensure your crucifixion.
Enlighten me, o noble one, of your mandacity.
Give me the clearest view of your so-called commonwealth.
We are your foes, annihilators of the sky!


Limb from limb,
The rites are carved into your forehead.
Limb from limb,
Engorged into your psyche.
Limb from limb,
I smell the decrepit stench of your demise.
Limb from limb,
Humanity will be destroyed!

My pro-creator, I have warned thee of my prophecy.
Until that day, stand your fucking ground!

My pro-creator, stand your fucking ground! [x2]

EDIT: TwilightFox is back! :3

Moar news.



Yea, its hard to find people that are as good as me, even when I played online. Yea, my connection was screwing up as well. We should race sometime on MKW.
I shoulda guessed SMG. Nobody can really say no to that game(If you go to the Nintendo Channel you can see a spoiler vid of SMG 2 :D).

Well, good luck with the metal, and some other stuff. -.-

See ya later, CLASH.

Nice try. I make exceptions for my friends. :P

I'll pick you up on that offer. But, I'll race you tomorrow, I promise.

Thanks. ^-^

Later. :3

One last thing, you dont have to make any promises, I just want to play around with my Internet connection. You dont have to if you dont wanna. :)

Okay, then.
I wanna race you, just to prove how good I am. ;)

I new it was Mario Galaxy! LOL So how's it going? Whitechapel is a OK band I think. Though my opinion isn't the only one. LOL

It's my favorite Mario game! :D

I'm good. You?

Well, I think they're awesome! I'm also interested into checking out this band called Impending Doom. Have you listened to them?

Youll never beat meh! >:3

I never said I would. ;)


i looove super mario galaxy! even though i only rented it, i thought it was SOOOO~


It's awesome! Even though I already cleared all levels, I just go back to enjoy them again. ;3

Hes a very badass boss. Thing is, when you get to him, he acts retarded. When you fight him, he sounds retarded, and the last part of the fight he is practically a retard on steroids or something. But otherwise hes badass.

Nice song.



*dun dun duuuuuun*



SUDDEN DEATH fights are a real bitch sometimes. :(

WAZZUP SSD!!!!!!! I'm fucking bored.


You're just BEGGING to be banned, aren't you?

Hm... theres a variation. He takes you through several miniboss and boss levels using their attack style, sorta. He usually just shoots lil balls of energy at you, but just use your shield or run to avoid them. Depending on the stage setting, youve gotta think like how you fought that boss/ miniboss. But the only really annoying thing is the swordfight at the end. He uses two smimitar like things, and does his retarded Run-and-Chop-of-Death, and he will do his Hurricane Spin of Blades, screaming like a retard all the while. What makes that annoying is that he keeps using the Hurricane over and over again, its hard to avoid, and he teleports to random parts of the field and Spins toward you. If you hit him, it just gets faster.


Thanks for the info. :)

Is he your favorite LoZ character? X3

(also, remember its me your fighting, so expect the unexpected ;3)

Mkay. ;3

I don;t like calling you clash. It doens;t feel like the good days............. SSD

One last chance.

New post, FTW.

Oh, and definatly. Hes awesome :D

I can tell by your username. :3

FINe go ahead bann me. .... be like a bitch like kitty making newgrounds getting more boring and boring for me.

Well, I said you have one last chance.
So, I won't ban you, yet.

I would ask for an exchange of SSBB friend codes, but there's a few problems.

One being that I don't have my Wii at this moment in time, and two being that the possibility of me applying so many fucking hacks to the game might cause online to become royally fucked.

Apparantly, that's one flaw of hacking a game, amirite?

Hey Clash!

Never heard of Whitechapel. I'm not really into death metal to be honest. Everyone has their own tastes though :3

Super Mario Galaxy theme? Sweet.

Yo! :3

I agree 100% with you on that one.

Yes, yes it is. ;3

This is a free website man. I HAVE EVERY FUCKING RIFHT TO CALL YOU SSD.

That is, unless I change my nickname.

Therefore, you're WRONG.

Okay I don't know what SSBB is but I've heard it from many other places. Also I am curious about the nickname change, I understand where the whole SSD came from but not so much Clash, then again i don't know you that well so I guess it would be odd if I did understand it.

SSBB = Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Yeah, that would be a little odd. We've only talked to each other once or twice.

>.< () Who gives a shit about wat ur nickname is. why don;t u cast a vote for the people to choose ur nickname. SSD FTW.

Fine! I'll caste a vote, but I bet that there's only going to be 2-3 people wanting SSD.

It IS good my friend. You should see it right away.

Really? None taken. He likes to right in codes. Though you can always ask him to type regular so you can talk.

LOL They ARE good. They're a band I like!

Thank you! ^.^

I'll see it when I can.

I told him to type clearer before, and he didn't. ^-^;

Awesome. I'll check them out.

No prob.

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