My family and I left on Saturday morning, and when we got there, it was too cold, for everyone else to go in the park. I, however was fine. Oh, and it was also cloudy, and sprinkling a little. But, who am I to ignore my family's complaints? Anyway, we spent the night in a hotel, and the next day, it wasn't as cold, and it was sunny, so we went to the park that day. I couldn't fit on ANY of the rides I wanted to ride on. As for the ones I could fit on, they were very sucky rides, so I didn't ride them. All I got to do was play in an arcade. Sure, the arcade was halfway decent, considering they had a Guitar Hero: Arcade game, but other than that, it sucked donkey balls.
TL;DR: I went to Six Flags, and it fucking sucked.
Also, I'll finish my friends list later, and then give ya'll a link.
Here's a picture of one of the bands that featured on Guitar Hero: Arcade, called In Flames. However, the only song I know by them is Take This Life.
- Clash.
That sucks